Rubber Goods
Gloves, Protectors, Sleeves, Blankets, Line Hose, Covers, and more. For any questions call...
Hot Sticks and Cutters
Hot Sticks, cutters, and all attachments for hot sticks. For any questions...
Electric & Cordless Tools
Breaker hammer, impacts, hammer drills, saws, batteries, chargers, blades, bits, grinders and...
Rope & Winch Lines
Handline sets, 3-strand twisted rope, winch lines, winch hooks, braided rope, slick-rope...
Slings & Shackles
Twist lock shackles, blanket slings, transformer slings, pole slings, auger slings, chain...
Transmission Tools
Link sticks and more. For any questions call our office at 660-433-5400.
Tree Trimming
Chainsaws, pruners, pole saws, universal tools and more. For any questions call...
Low Pressure Hydraulic Tools
Hose, Couplings, Ground Rod Drivers, Tampers, and more. For any questions call...
Meters & Testers
Gas detectors, megohmmeters, ground resistance testers, clamp-on multimeters, v-watch, electronic voltage detectors,...
Anchor Installing Tools
Kelly bar adapters, locking dog assembly, drive end assembly, adapters, drive tools...
Bags, Buckets and Pouches
Storage bags to protect your tools. Buckets for tool storage and easy...
Block Sets, Hooks, Shackles & Clips
Wire rope slings, slack block sets, handline sets, blocks, handline, bucket and...
Bolt & Cable Cutters
Bolt cutters, cable cutters, cutters for soft metal, hard cable cutters, battery...
Compression Tools & Dies
Wejtap tools, hand-operated mechanical compression tools, ratchet compression tools, "w" die trees...
Conductors, Grips, Swivels
Grips for bare ACSR, aluminum and stranded copper cables, hot-line grips, weatherproof...
Digging & Pole Handling
Shovels, brooms, bars, sledge hammers, long handled digging and tamping tools, cant...
Electric & Cordless Tools
Breaker hammer, impacts, hammer drills, saws, batteries, chargers, blades, bits, grinders and...
Hand Tools
Screw drivers, pliers, wrenches, knives, sockets and more. For any questions call...
Hot Arms and Gins
Hot Arms, Gins, Boom Lifts, and Jib Extensions. For any questions call...
Jumpers and/or Mags
Jumper and/or Mag parts. For jumper or "mag" cable sets call our...
Lineman Equipment
Boom straps, lighting, lanyards, harnesses, belts, holsters, pole straps, super squeeze and...
Personal Protection
Work gloves, bug repellent, wasp & ant spray, silicone spray, first aid,...